Teccognano srl

An act of love for their land, son of the passion of the Sabatini family: Enrico, Filippo, Niccolò and Ugo. In 2015, with the foundation of Teccognano S.r.l., action was taken.

Always looking for the best, they contact Charles Maxwell, of Thames Distillers, one of the leading experts in the sector, heir to eleven generations of London distillers.

Maxwell, in collaboration with the Sabatini family, oversaw the choice of botanicals and their combination, creating a recipe that, respecting the rules of classic English distillation, also offers a sensory experience that immediately brings back to Tuscany.

Sabatini Gin, therefore, is not only a high quality product, but it is also the result of a perfect union, of flavors, aromas, suggestions and history, that of the Sabatini family who conceived and created it with passion and professionalism. And, after all, Sabatini Gin is nothing more than a new episode of the important historical and cultural link that unites Tuscany with England.

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